Thursday, October 25, 2007

Krusader doesn't support scp/smb/sftp protocols

Krusader didn't support scp/smb/sftp protocols after installing for gnome. It's normal because it's file manager for KDE and Krusader uses its libraries. I have resolved this problem, I have just added Konqueror.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Unix's tricks for supporting weblogic domains

I have to work with a lot of domains. I get tired to type a lot of same commands and I wrote same tricks. It helped me :)
You should add this in .bashrc for <CURRENT USER>:

alias psext='ps -u `whoami` |grep java |awk '\''{print ("/proc/"$1"/cwd") }'\''|xargs ls -l'
alias whatports='netstat -tlnp|grep '

for example:

lrwxrwxrwx 1 user user 0 Oct 16 14:43 /proc/15052/cwd -> /data/domains/portalDomain921_2
lrwxrwxrwx 1 user user 0 Oct 16 18:21 /proc/17112/cwd -> /data/domains/portalDomain921

whatports 17112
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 17112/java
tcp 0 0 :::9931 :::* LISTEN 17112/java

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Removal performances’ problems

1 Detect problems

You have to analyze complaints customer and you have to try to reproduce problem. At first you have to take more information from admin this site. Because they could have monitor checklist, it can help you.

2 Found reasons

Then you have to detect bottleneck place for that you may use next tools:

  • thread_monitor.jsp (measure)
  • yourkit (measure)
  • benchmark (measure)
  • jmeter or wget

Note: You’ve never forgotten about logs

Suppose you detected what site rendered slow.

You have to do CPU snapshot. Snapshot allow to you detected reason. When you’ll analyze the CPU snapshot you have to devote one's attention to slow method. Yourkit allow do it, use it capability allow to do easy. I recommend you use “Method list” for analyze CPU statistics. You have to devote one’s attention to total time invoke method. Yourkit allowed you review “who invoke it“(Method back trace) and “what it invoke” (Method merged callees).

Also you can use thread monitor.

Jmeter allow you put datum about throughput.

Suppose your site have memory leak.

You have to do memory snapshot. When you’ll analyze the memory snapshot you have to devote one's attention to objects have more size. At first you have to calculate retained size objects, which help to detect large object. You have to devote one’s attention to session’ object and object answer for cache, because it is often reason’s problem.

3 Removal reasons

You have to act according to character problem.:)

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Double load tags on JSP

Q. My tags invoked two time.

S. The problem happened because I had like tag <img src="" alt="test" />

Thursday, July 26, 2007

4 steps to see the memory leek

each session is 3.2 MB


1. When I try to invoke ant script with Workshop 9.2.1 , I get exception look like:
java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/sun/tools/javac/Main (Unsupported major.minor version 49.0)
You have trouble with ant properties in workshop. I invoked with command line and didn't have problems

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Analyze memory snapshot by YourKit

I chose "Path from GC Roots" for NodeList

then I chose "Select Objects" for MemorySessionData